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Journal Papers
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Creating a novel genetic diversity of Trichoderma afroharzianum by γ-radiation for xylanase-cellulase production March 2024
Preparation of active_intelligent packaging antibacterial film and hydrogen sulfide-sensitive indicator for trout fillets freshness based on copper nanoparticles May 2024
Preparation of active/intelligent packaging antibacterial film and hydrogen sulfide-sensitive indicator for trout fillets freshness based on copper nanoparticles May 2024
Wheat grain quality changes with water stress, zinc, and iron applications predicted by the solvent retention capacity (SRC) March 2023
Preparation and characterisation of biodegradable polylactic acid/ethyl cellulose film produced using the extruder and roller mixer machine February 2023
Development and characterization of antioxidant bilayer film based on poly lactic acid-bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) seed protein incorporated with Pistacia October 2023
Grain and flour quality of wheat genotypes grown under heat stress August 2022
Cold plasma treatment to prepare active polylactic acid ethyl cellulose film November 2022
Secalin enzymatically cross-linked by either papain and N-acetyl-DL-homocysteine thiolactone or transglutaminase, Improving of protein functional properties and film manufacturing June 2021
Pomegranate seed oil nanoemulsion enriched by α-tocopherol; the effect of environmental stresses and long-term storage on its physicochemical properties and oxidation stability January 2021
Relationships between grain, flour, and dough quality characteristics and solvent retention capacity tests of twelve triticale cultivars and parental species October 2021
Rye scalin characterization and use to improve zein-based film performance February 2021
Amaranth selective hydrolyzed protein influence on sourdough fermentation and wheat bread quality August 2021
Secalin films acylated with capric acid chloride April 2021
Potential use of glycerol- andor spermidine-plasticized secalin films as leaf surface coatings for sustainable plant disease management October 2021
Functional Properties of Rye Prolamin (Secalin) and Their Improvement by Protein Lipophilization through Capric Acid Covalent Binding March 2021
A Sensing System for Continuous Monitoring of Bread Dough During Fermentation March 2021
Effects of pumpkin powder addition on the rheological, sensory, and quality attributes of Taftoon bread October 2020
Production routing in perishable and quality degradable supply chains February 2020
Effects of electron beam irradiation on physicochemical, nutritional properties and storage life of five potato cultivars July 2020
Production and characterization of chitosan-gelatin nanofibers by nozzle-less electrospinning and their application to enhance edible film’s properties August 2019
Octenylsuccination of sago starch and investigation of the effect of calcium chloride and ferulic acid on physicochemical and functional properties of the modified starch film. January 2019
Phytic acid, iron and zinc content in wheat ploidy levels and amphiploids the impact of genotype and planting seasons January 2018
Effect of brine solution as a wheat conditioner, on lipase, amylase, and lipoxygenase activities in flour and its corresponding dough rheological properties June 2018
Structural properties of gluten modified by ascorbic acid and transglutaminase February 2018
Physicochemical and nutritional stability of optimized low-calorie quince (cydonia oblonga) jam containing stevioside during storage January 2018
Preparation and characterization of bioactive oils nanoemulsions: Effect of oil unsaturation degree, emulsifier type and concentration February 2018
Physicochemical and Nutritional Stability of Optimized Low-calorie Quince (Cydonia oblonga) Jam Containing Stevioside During Storage January 2018
Species identification and animal authentication in meat products- a review February 2018
Capability of solvent retention capacity to quality of flat bread in three wheat cultivars December 2018
Reduction of acrylamide in whole-wheat bread by combining lactobacilli and yeast fermentation November 2017
Multiplex-PCR as a rapid and sensitive meat species in halal meat Products February 2017
Production and evaluation the properties of laminated oat September 2017
Antioxidant effect of rosemary extract and BHT on the quality of coated fried Escolar fish fillets during frozen storage April 2017
Structural properties of gluten modified by ascorbic acid and transglutaminase Fall 2017
Pomegranate seed oil organogels structured by propolis wax, beeswax, and their mixture, July 2017
Phytic acid, iron and zinc content in wheat ploidy levels and amphiploids: the impact of genotype and planting seasons. July 2017
Potential application of pomegranate seed oil oleogels based on monoglycerides, beeswax and propolis wax as partial substitutes of palm oil fractions May 2017
Antioxidant effect of rosemary extract and BHT on the quality of coated fried Escolar (Lipidocybium flavobrunium) fish fillets during frozen storage April 2017
Characterization of wheat gluten subunits by liquid chromatography Mass spectrometry and their relationship to technological quality of wheat June 2017
Characterization of wheat gluten subunits by liquid chromatography Mass spectrometry and their relationship to technological quality of wheat June 2017
Effects of heat-moisture treatment on physicochemical properties of wheat starch March 2017
Properties of whey protein isolate nanocomposite films reinforced with nanocellulose isolated from oat husk October 2016
Encapsulation optimization of lemon balm antioxidants in calcium alginate hydrogels November 2016
A new antioxidant active film based on HDPE and peppermint essential oil for packaging soybean oil May 2016
The effect of oxidized ferulic acid on physicochemical properties of bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) protein-based films August 2016
Characterization and antioxidant activity of bitter vetch protein-based films containing pomegranate juice December 2016
Blend films of pectin and bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) proteins Properties and effects of tranglutaminase July 2016
Evaluation of physicochemical properties of gluten modified by Glucose oxidase and Xylanase July 2016
Species identification and animal authentication in meat products a review March 2016
Bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) seed protein concentrate as possible source for production of bilayered films and biodegradable containers October 2016
Comparison of total phenolic and antioxidant activity of different Mentha spicata and M. longifolia accessions October 2016
Deep fat frying performance of palm olein enriched with conjugated linoleic acid April 2015
The Effect of Bug Damage on Physicochemical, Electrophoretic and quality factors of wheat gluten January 2015
Effect of dietary canola oil level on the growth performance and fatty acid composition of fingerlings of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss February 2015
Electrosprayed maize starch and its constituents (amylose and amylopectin) nanoparticles May 2015
Microstructure and properties of bitter vetch protein films reinforced by microbial transglutaminas April 2015
Application of some antifungal and antioxidant compounds extracted from some herbs to be used in cakes as biopreservatives June 2014
Optimization of Lipase-Catalyzed Fractionation of Two Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Isomers April 2014
Effects of supplementation with a phytobiotics-rich herbal mixture on performance, udder health, and metabolic status of Holstein October 2014
Nanomechanical Characteristics of Meat and its Constituents Postmortem A Review February 2014
Effect of dietary flaxseed oil level on the growth performance and fatty acid composition of fingerlings of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss February 2013
Properties of a new protein film from bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia) and effect of CaCl2 on its hydrophobicity February 2013
Effect of dietary vegetable oils on the growth performance and fatty acid composition of fingerlings of rainbow trout,oncorhynchus mykiss February 2013
Response surface-optimized synthesis of cis-9, trans 11 octadecadienoic acid through dehydration of castor oil April 2013
Selective determination of sucrose based on electropolymerized molecularly imprinted polymer modified multiwall carbon nanotubes glassy carbon electrode August 2013
A model for measuring the performance of the meat supply chain August 2013
Rapid nonenzymatic monitoring of glucose and fructose using a CuOmultiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposite‐modified glassy carbon electrode July 2013
Vinyl Chloride Removal From an Air Stream by Biotrickling Filter September 2012
Optimization of cocoa butter analog synthesis variables using neural networks and genetic algorithm April 2012
A Study on Parameters of Potential Cocoa Butter Analogue Synthesis from Camel Hump by Lipase-Catalysed Interesterification in Supercritical CO2 Using Response Surface Methodology February 2012
A New, Simple Method for the Production of Meat-Curing Pigment Under Optimised Conditions using Response Surface Methodology June 2012
Role of Globin Moiety in the Chemical Structure of Curing Pigment April 2012
Effect of Nanocomposite Packaging Containing Ag and ZnO on Reducing Pasteruzation Temperature of Orange Juice January 2012
Physicochemical Properties and Storability of Non-alcoholic Malt Drinks Prepared from Oat and Barley Malts March 2012
Chemical and Microstructural Evaluation of ‘Hard-to-Cook’ Phenomenon in Legumes (Pinto Bean and Small-Type Lentil) November 2011
Effect of Nanocomposite Packaging Containing Ag and ZnO on Inactivation of Lactobacillus plantarum in Orange Juice April 2011
Evaluation of the Effect of Fermentation, Hydrothermal Treatment, Soda, and Table Salt on Phytase Activity and Phytate Content of Three Iranian Wheat Cultivars October 2011
Preparation and Evaluation of Nanocomposite LDPE Films Containing Ag and ZnO for Food-Packaging Applications November 2010
Evaluation of Nanocomposite Packaging Containing Ag and ZnO on Shelf Life of Fresh Orange Juice September 2010
Some Nutritional Quality and Sensory Attributes of Wheat Flours Fortified with Iron and Zinc April 2010
Camel Cocktail Sausage and its Physicochemical and Sensory Quality February 2010
Effects of Treated and Untreated Bran in Dough Dynamic Rheology August 2009
Optimization of Enzymatic Synthesis of Cocoa Butter Analog From Camel Hump Fat in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide by Response Surface Methodology March 2009
Towards Tooth Friendly Soft Drinks June 2009
Detection of Adulteration in Iranian Olive Oils Using Instrumental (GC, NMR, DSC) Methods January 2009
Effect of Hydrothermaled Bran on Physicochemical, Rheological and Microstructural Characteristics of Sangak Bread May 2009
Effect of Modified Oat Starch and Protein on Batter Properties and Quality of Cakes December 2009
Effects of Cross-Linking and Acetylation on Oat Starch Properties July 2009
The Production of an Experimental Table Margarine Enriched with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Physical Properties May 2009
Effects of Succinylation and Deamidation on Functional Properties of Oat Protein Isolate February 2009
Optimising Conditions for Enzymatic Extraction of Edible Gelatin From the Cattle Bones Using RSM May 2009
Improvement of Functional Properties of Glutens Extracted From Two Iranian Wheat Varieties (Sardari and Mahdavi) Employing Chemical and Enzymatic Modifications March 2008
Enzymatic Interesterification of Structured Lipids Containing CLA With Palm Stearin for Possible Margarine Production November 2008
Comparison of Fresh Beef and Camel Meat Proteolysis During Cold Storage September 2008
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Production and Lipase catalyzed Interesterification of Purified CLA with Canola Oil March 2008
Production of Microbial Exopolysaccharides in the Sourdough and its Effects on the Rheological Properties of Dough October 2008
Antioxidant Activity of Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff. in Model and Food Systems January 2007
Preparation and Characterization of Proteinous Flm From Lentil (Lens culinaris) February 2006
Evaluation of Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Iranian Caraway in Comparison with Clove and BHT Using Model Systems and Vegetable oil September 2006
Addition of reducing agents, vitamin C and citric acid during wheat conditioning and their effects on the quality characteristics of the corresponding flour and dough Summer 1400
Recent Papers
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Properties of a New Protein Film From Bitter Vetch (Vicia ervilia) and Effect of CaCl2 on its Hydrophobicity April 2013
Highly Selective, Sensitive and Fast Determination of Folic Acid in Food Samples Using New Electrodeposited Gold Nanoparticles by Differential Pulse Voltammetry March 2013
Effect of Dietary Flaxseed Oil Level on the Growth Performance and Fatty Acid Composition of Fingerlings of Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss January 2013
Optimization of Gelatin Extraction From Chicken Deboner Residue Using Response Surface Methodology February 2013
A Comparative Study on the Physicochemical, Functional, and Protein Electrophoretic Pattern of Ostrich Meat and Beef During Frozen Storage March 2013
Highly Selective Electrochemical Biosensor for the Determination of Folic Acid Based on DNA Modified-Pencil Graphite Electrode Using RSM January 2013
A Comparative Study of Physico-Chemical and Functional Properties and Ultrastructure of Ostrich Meat and Beef During Aging August 2012
Production of a Diacylglycerol-Enriched Safflower oil Using Lipase Catalyzed Gycerolysis Optimized by Response Surface Methodology April 2012
Conference Papers
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Fast monitoring of sucrose using CuO MWCNTs nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode February 2013
Replacing Fish Oil With Flaxseed on Nutritive Value of Rainbow Trout December 2012
Influence of Replacing Fish Oil With Canola Oil on Nutritive Value of Rainbow Trout December 2012
Optimization of chemical synthesis of cis-9, trans11. octadecadienoic acid through KOH-catalyzed dehydration of castor oil by RSM October 2011
Determinacion del contenido en energiametabolizable de distintas fuentes de lipidos procedentes de la industria del aceite des soja May 2011
Determination of the Apparent Metabolizable Energy of the Different Types of Soy Oil in Poultry May 2011
Qualitattive Evaluation of Frying Oil Enriched by Cojugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) October 2011
Influence of Soy Oil Source and Supplementation of the Diet With Vitamin E and Vitamin C on Performance and Egg Quality of Single Comb White Leghorn Laying Hens From Forty Four to Fifty Six Weeks of Age July 2011
A comparative study on the physico-chemical and functional properties of ostrich meat and beef during aging August 2010
Optimization of Enzymatic Activities in Malting of oat June 2010
Studies on the physico-chemical and functional properties of ostrich meat during frozen storage. August 2010
Conjugated linoleic acid production and lipase-catalyzed interesterification of purified CLA with canola oil November 2009
Functional and Ultrastructural Properties of Camel Meat August 2006
Effect of Freezing on the Quality of Camel Meat in Comparison With Beef June 2006
Post Mortem Aging and Freezing of Camel Meat a Comparative Study August 2006

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